This is Acting.

She didnt want to speak and yet she said too much.”

And within a moment she not only felt ruined but WAS ruined. Her legacy? Gone. It doesn’t take a genius to guess what went wrong. What was once solid was now slipping away. What could she have done that could take her back. Before she made that choice. Now she sits and regrets while trying to figure out her next move. People? They’re just audience here for entertainment. Everyone has their favourite. Some crave drama other love horror while some are simple sadists laughing at others misery. Sit back and enjoy the show because life loves throwing lemons at you while you’re trying to balance that bicycle on a thread. Because, This is Acting. Life of the theatre. You don’t have to be an actor to experience it. Be happy and life will come cursing at your way. But beware take an advice: its just a show.

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